Add Fields to a Word Report in Business Central
Well, how do I…where is the… alright, I will checkout a tutorial first. This was my reaction when someone asked me to add fields to a Word Report and I opened a Microsoft Word layout for the first time.
What You Will Learn
In this post you will learn how to add a field to an already existing standard report invoice in Visual Studio Code. My examples are done in a docker container with Business Central 15.
Update 13.11.2020: The approach taken in this tutorial is still valid and can also be used for RDLC reports, except of step 5.
I assume that you already have set up an environment with business central. You will also need the extensions AZ AL Dev Tools/AL Code Outline by Andrzej Zwierzchowski and ALRunner by Tobias Fenster. Having installed Waldo’s CRS AL Language Extension is optional but also recommended.
What We Will Do
Basically we need to take these steps to accomplish our goal:
- Create a new A/L Project with our running sandbox
- Copy standard report to a new number and name
- Add a new column to the dataset
- Include layout in the project
- Add the new field in the layout
- Publish report
- Enjoy
1. Create a new A/L Project with our running sandbox
First, we need to create a new A/L Project in Visual Studio Code. If you have not setup a running sandbox container yet, you can checkout this post. For the next steps, I will assume that you have a running container and already downloaded the symbols.
It is also a good idea to set “launchBrowser” in your “launch.json” to “false”.
2. Copy Standard Report To a New Number and Name
We use the AZ AL Dev Tools to open the base application in the AL Object Browser. Rightclick on the Base Application and select “Open in AL Object Browser”.
Update 13.11.2020: You do not have to use the right click anymore. Just left click on the Base Application once.
This window will show up:
Select the object type “Reports” and search for ID “1306”.
- Right click the result. Select “Go to definition”.
- Use Ctrl + A to select the whole file text. Copy it.
Right click in the empty space below your last file. Select “New File”.
I will call my file “”.
Open the created file. Paste the copied text from the standard report into the blank file. If you now hover over the first line, you will see this error:
“An application object of type ‘Report’ with name ‘Standard Sales – Invoice’ is already declared”.
That is because we are using the same name and ID as the standard report. So let’s change the ID to 50100 and the name to “Standard Sales – Invoice Copy”.
This step is optional. We are all good people. So let’s stick to the file naming conventions. Waldo’s CRS AL Language Extension has a wonderful renaming feature. Press Ctrl + Shift + P. Search for CRS: Rename – Current File. Rename the file and checkout the result:
Update 25.04.2020: We could also have used the Reorganizing functionality of the CRS Language Extension. This would have created a separate folder for our report file. If you want to find out more about the CRS Language Extension and its useful features, you can read more here.
3. Add New Column To the Dataset
Uh yes. The fun part starts here. Our next step is to include our new field in the dataset. We want to see the field “VAT Bus. Posting Group” in our invoice. Not the regular customer requirement, but let’s go with it for demonstration purposes.
Navigate to the last dataset column of the header and place your new field below it. You can use the “Add multiple fields” feature from the dev tools in order to add “the VAT Bus. Posting Group” to the dataset.
Why add the column after the last one? We place it below the last one because it is easier to see later that this field is a customization. If you always place your new code “somewhere” in the middle of already existing code and other people do it as well, you get some good old coleslaw. Coleslaw not good for developers. It should be easy to see what is the standard code and what is customization code.
Long talk, no walk. Here is where we are now:
4. Include Layout in The Project
So far we have only been working with the .al file of our report. But our report does not only consist of an “.al” file. It also needs a “.docx” file if we want to “see something”. So let’s go get the layout.
Open your sandbox in the web client. Search for “Custom Report Layouts”. You can use the reading glass or ALT + Q to search:
Search for Report ID 1306.
Select the first report. Click on “Layout” -> “Export Layout” to export the Word layout.
Update 25.04.2020: If you cannot find your report in the Custom Report Layouts, you can create a new record by clicking “New” and filling out the necessary fields. It is also possible to export RDL layouts – just in case you were confused that you can only see Word layouts in this screenshot.
Navigate to the folder of the downloaded file.
Drag and drop the file from the Windows Explorer to your Visual Studio Code Project:
Yes. We are getting forward. This is where we are now:
Right click on your al file. Choose “Rename”. Copy the file name except the file ending (.al).
Use the copied file name to rename the downloaded layout:
There is one last thing we have to do. Right now, our new “.al” file is not linked to our new “.docx” layout. So let’s fix it. Change the WordLayout in our “.al” file from this:
… to this:
Use Ctrl + Shift + B to run the build task. If you do not do this, then our new field in the dataset will not be accessible in our layout:
5. Add New Field in the Layout
Do you smell the finish already? We are almost there. Our field is included in the dataset. Microsoft Word is already waiting for us. If you have never made changes to a word layout yet, be ready for a little surprise.
Right click on the “.docx” file and select “Open Externally”.
Microsoft Word launches. Activate the showing of paragraphs. This will make it easier to find spots where we can insert text:
Check if you can see the Developer Tab.
If not, you are doomed. No, just kidding. You can make it visible by following the steps in this tutorial.
Navigate to your “Developer” tab and open the XML Mapping Pane.
Find the report XML part.
Search for our “VAT Bus Posting Group” field below the “Header” DataItem :
Click in the space where we want to add our new field. We want it below the Work description:
Right click on our VATBusPostingGroup. Select “Insert Content Control” -> “Plain Text”.
Save and close the file.
6. Publish Report
Now start your project without debugging (Ctrl + F5) to publish the report:
If you have specified in your launch file to launch the browser, ignore the now opened browser.
Go to the first line of your report .al file. Run the selection with “Alt + R”. This will run the report in your sandbox:
Filter for a “Posted Sales Invoice” No. and click “Preview”:
7. Enjoy!
This is our result. Our field “VAT Bus. Posting Group” is being printed:
Congratulations. Have a nice week 🙂
18 thoughts on “Add Fields to a Word Report in Business Central”
Is it possible to add field on standard report
Hey Siva,
what exactly do you mean? Add a field like a page extension without copying the original report? I’m afraid that this is not possible at the moment. At least I have not heard of any way to accomplish that.
Hi with this post, I am able to add fields which are standard, but I am not able to add Custom field in this report.
Please help.
Hey annivasu,
if you want to add fields that are not standard, then you first have to add them in your table. In this tutorial, we used the sales invoice. So you would need to create a table extension of the Sales Invoice Header and add the desired field there before you can add it to your report.
You can also add a global variable in your report and add it to your dataset if you do not want to store the information in a table.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards
Thanks for your reply, I have already added the custom field in sales invoice header table and added in dataset as well, also available in word XML mapping too, but when I am saving this docx file and importing as a layout in custom layout and then trying to run this report, it giving me message and not showing that field in report preview.
Why exactly are you trying to import the layout in custom layouts?
You do not have to import anything back to the custom layouts.
Please try this instead:
1. Build and publish your extension.
2. Go to Report Selection – Sales. Select Usage – “Invoice” and pick your created report ID.
3. Go to your Posted Sales Invoices and print.
I have been following your tutorial but after I opened the base app in AL Object browser and searched for my report and right clicked on it and select Go to definition, it only showed me the variables not the other source code. How do I deal with this situation?
Hey Tatenda,
which Business Central version are you using? Versions prior to Business Central 15 do not show the source code properly.
If you are using a version prior to 15, you have to get the source files from the installation DVD or from your docker container.
Check this blog post if you do not know how to get files from your installation DVD or docker container.
Kind regards
Thank you, I got them from the installation DVD.
Thank you for the detailed guide on adding fields to a Word report in Business Central. Your step-by-step instructions are incredibly helpful for anyone looking to customize standard reports. As a company specializing in Dynamics 365 Business Central implementation, this information is highly relevant and valuable. Your insights into using Visual Studio Code and the various extensions streamline the process, making it accessible even for those new to customizing reports. We appreciate the clarity and thoroughness of your tutorial, which will undoubtedly assist us in delivering enhanced reporting solutions to our clients.
Thank you!
Hi Waldemar,
I’m trying to follow your steps but stopped at adding the new field in the report. I can’t find my fields in the XML mapping.
In my case, I want to add new fields in Purchase – Order report (Report ID: 1322), then I changed the ID to 50100. However, in the XML Part link only shown 1322 hence I think that’s why I can’t find my custom fields. Fyi, I already did the table extension as well. Now I am not sure which part I’ve missed out. Really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance!
Hi Syuhadah,
have you changed the line in your .al file that links the layout file to your .al file? I am talking about these 2 steps. Maybe you can search for the text and check the steps in the tutorial again. If you have done these 2 steps, the layout file should have the correct XML Part link.
“There is one last thing we have to do. Right now, our new “.al” file is not linked to our new “.docx” layout. So let’s fix it. Change the WordLayout in our “.al” file from this:”
“Use Ctrl + Shift + B to run the build task. If you do not do this, then our new field in the dataset will not be accessible in our layout:”
Hope this helps.
Kind regards