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Tag: Extension

My 8 Favorite Rather Unknown VS Code Extensions for AL

My 8 Favorite Rather Unknown VS Code Extensions for AL

More and more developers are venturing their first bold steps into AL terrain. Gone are the days when dinosaurs could move on safe C/AL ground and look forward to new developments in a cheerful and leisurely manner. With the move to the VS Code development environment and the AL programming language, we as a developer…

13 VS Code Settings to Save You Time in AL

13 VS Code Settings to Save You Time in AL

Slowly but surely, even the last dinosaur will venture out of the cosy safety of C/SIDE and C/AL to plunge death-defyingly onto the battlefield of the new programming language AL. Not everyone has the time to deal with all the VS Code Settings. It’s enough if a dumb guy like me has nothing better to…

9 Tips For Developing Reports in AL

9 Tips For Developing Reports in AL

Damn it. I gave everything to write 10 tips together, but in the end there were only 9. Reports can drive you to despair in AL. While extensions have been available for tables and pages for a long time, we have to be patient with reports until the following screenshot of a report extension becomes…

Profile Switcher for Visual Studio Code – Switch to Presentation Profile in a Second

Profile Switcher for Visual Studio Code – Switch to Presentation Profile in a Second

Do you sometimes present things in Visual Studio code to other people? If so, you may have found yourself in a situation where you want to quickly switch between a “work mode” and a “presentation mode”. In work mode, you want to have all your extensions and a dark background, but in presentation mode, you…