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Month: February 2020

Missing Permission Set

Missing Permission Set

A while ago, I came across an interesting error message that I had not seen before. The error message occurred when I created an empty table with the “ttable” snippet, claiming that my extension has a “missing permission set”. PerTenantExtensionCop Ruleset Apparently the PerTenantExtensionCop felt that we had stepped on his toes. Recently, the rule…

Boost Your Productivity with AL/BC – Breadcrumbs

Boost Your Productivity with AL/BC – Breadcrumbs

This post is part of the blog post series “Boost Your Productivity with AL and Business Central”. If you want to know more about what this series is about and why I created it, you can checkout this post. Today we will deal with the breadcrumbs in Visual Studio Code. What Are These Breadcrumbs? Breadcrumbs…