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Category: AL

How to Stop Fighting AL and RDL(C): Rename Report Columns Like a Pro

How to Stop Fighting AL and RDL(C): Rename Report Columns Like a Pro

If you’ve ever worked with AL report files, you know the pain: You rename a column (variable) in your AL file, and then you have to hunt through the RDLC file to update all the references, Field Name and DataField. It’s an ennerving activity, even a monkey could do it and you really should not have to waiste…

Blog Post: Save Time by Selecting Startup Object IDs in launch.json with AL Navigator

Blog Post: Save Time by Selecting Startup Object IDs in launch.json with AL Navigator

Updating the startupObjectId in launch.json is a common task when developing for Business Central. Without a quick way to find object IDs, you often have to look up object names, search for IDs manually, and interrupt your workflow. With the latest AL Navigator update, you can now select startup object IDs effortlessly using a Quick Pick menu in Visual Studio Code.…

Blog Post: Automatically Remove Unused Variables from Business Central Report Datasets with AL Navigator

Blog Post: Automatically Remove Unused Variables from Business Central Report Datasets with AL Navigator

As Business Central developers, we all know that report datasets can get messy over time. Variables are added, requirements change, and soon you’re left with unused columns cluttering your .al and .rdlc files. While these unused variables aren’t harmful, they make your code harder to read and maintain. To address this, I’ve added a simple but practical feature to AL…

How to Copy Reports in AL the Smart Way

How to Copy Reports in AL the Smart Way

Copying Reports for Business Central in VS Code / AL can be a time consuming task. For example, if you want to extend the sales invoice “Standard Sales – Invoice” – 1306, you normally need to create a copy of this report first. For this it is necessary to copy the .al code of the…